Useful Resources
A few useful links
Quick links to external sites.
This is a great free tool that you can add to your laptop or phone to enable you to correct your grammar. This tool is used in the background and will give you hints and tips when it comes to grammar in your assignments. Click on the link and follow the instructions on the website. It is easy to do but if you get stuck speak to your coach
Zoom is the online video calling system that we at Dianthas have chosen to use. Clicking the link enables you to download the Application and create your account all ready for your workshops and sessions. It is free to download and use. Any problems downloading this or accessing Zoom ask your Vocational coach they should be able to help.
Dropbox is a fantastic cloud-based storage system and a free account will enable you to store up to 2 Mb of information. This programme will enable you to save your work to enable you to open it up from anywhere you can sign in.
A quick link to the E-Learning system that you will be using for your programme. You will need your login details to access this website but you should already have this. If you have forgotten your password click on the link below and click on reset password.
Chat GPT
The world of AI is expanding rapidly, rather than shy away from it we sometimes encourage its use. Try this link and create yourself an account. It is free up to a point and is a very useful tool when trying to write up assignments. Remember though it doesn’t know everything so always best to double-check with some research.
The online resource for your initial and diagnostic assessments in Maths and English. Your login will be emailed out once you have attended your induction and completed your induction. If you use this link you will need your username and password that was created for you by our admin team.