Recruit an Apprentice
Understand What Apprenticeships Are, Their Role in Workforce Development & Current UK Policy
Recruiting an Apprentice: An Introduction

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Apprenticeships are an excellent way for businesses to nurture their own talent. They also provide a fantastic pathway for young people to enter the workplace, allowing individuals to train on the job while still gaining a qualification. Of course, the old style of Apprenticeships has changed with the times and they are not primarily based on young people. Apprenticeships are designed around people of any age to broaden their knowledge, skills and behaviours and widen their own skill set to make people far more employable to incorporate the wider skills.
Apprenticeships have become an important government policy in the UK. Large firms in the UK have been made to pay an apprenticeship levy since April 2017, with other employers required to contribute towards the costs. The whole system now has gone digital and it does not matter what size organisation you work for. Here at Dianthas we are more than happy to provide you with the guidance to get you on the digital system and guide you on claiming any of the government incentives that are available when enrolling an Apprentice.
What are apprenticeships?
An apprenticeship is a paid job that combines employment and training and is open to anyone who is entitled to work in the United Kingdom. Upon completion, the apprentice receives a nationally recognised qualification.
Apprenticeships are a one-of-a-kind approach to ‘grow your own;’ they mix on-the-job training in an organisation with off-the-job study and give employers with an efficient manner of expanding their talent base. The apprentice’s learning occurs in context and gives a true understanding of the working world by combining practical skills with theoretical information. Apprenticeships can thus provide a career path into the organisation as well as an excellent opportunity to build the competence required by the business today and in the future.
There are apprenticeships available to cover a huge range of occupations within the social care sector from the front line care workers to management.
The Benefits of Hiring Apprentices
Hiring apprentices brings a number of benefits to employers:
- 80% of employers have maintained or improved future skills in the business.
- 70% of employers have seen improvements in the goods and services they offer.
- 66% of employers have experienced improved staff morale.
A critical challenge for the UK economy is its stagnant productivity growth, which holds down wages and living standards. Apprenticeships can help on that front too.
According to Centre for Economics and Business research on the economic impact of apprenticeships, there is a net gain to the employer while apprentices train, and a higher output once employed.
While training, apprentices are estimated to have contributed to a positive net gain of on average £1,670 per apprentice in England in 2013/14. That amounts to a total annual benefit of £1.4bn across the estimated number of apprentices. In the longer term, it’s estimated that each apprenticeship created is worth an estimated £38,000 to the economy.
Key Features of an Apprenticeship
Apprenticeships are available to anyone over the age of 16, who is not enrolled in full-time education and is eligible to work in the UK.
They work in partnership with the employer creating a well rounded and developed member of your growing workforce.
Apprenticeships That Work
Apprenticeships need to be embedded in a workforce planning approach, with clear business benefits as part of a long-term strategy on workforce growth and skills development.
Clarity regarding the role of apprentices in the organisation, work design that enables on- and off-the-job learning and development, and a clear understanding of how and by whom they will be supported are all prerequisites for a successful apprenticeship programme.
It is critical to gain the support of the existing workforce, senior management, line managers, and trade unions. Line managers, in particular, require the necessary guidance and tools to effectively manage apprentices who are fresh out of education and may be unfamiliar with the workplace.
It is important to understand the legal framework: Apprentices are covered by an employment contract and have similar rights to regular employees; nevertheless, they have better legal protection than other employees.
How do I get an apprentice?
Dianthas can help to find the perfect match for your organisation, but that’s not all. Throughout the apprenticeship, we will continue to support you and your apprentice by handling the paperwork, finding necessary funding and offering advice and support. A member of our friendly and professional team will be on hand to assist you throughout the process.
We Provide Apprenticeship Training in a Wide Range of Areas
A fantastic start for anyone new to care and wanting to develop themselves into a rounded individual with the ability and knowledge to understand the complexities of the Social Care Sector and the roles and responsibilities involved.
The Lead Adult Care Worker Apprenticeship programme is designed for those who have experience in Adult Care and are looking to develop their careers in a specialist or senior role. Lead Adult Care Workers promote, enhance and champion service provision to colleagues, other professionals and the wider society.
The Lead Practitioner in Adult Care Apprenticeship programme is designed for those who have substantial experience in leading or a senior role who are looking to develop and expand their careers in a coordinating, deputy or middle management role.
As a practitioner you will be working with children, young people and families, including carers, to achieve positive and sustainable change in the life of the person you are supporting You will demonstrate a passion to care for and about children, young people and families.
The Leader in Adult Care Apprenticeship programme is designed for those who have a wealth of experience leading in a middle management or coordinating role, who are looking to develop and expand their careers. Leaders in Adult Care will develop substantial knowledge, skills and behaviours that will enable them to guide and inspire teams to provide excellent values-based culture at managerial level.