Level 2 Diploma in Care

The Level 2 Diploma in Care is designed for those who have little or no experience as an Adult Care Worker.

Course Overview

The Level 2 Diploma in Care is designed for those who have little or no experience as an Adult Care Worker.

About this course

Learners will build an awareness of the Adult Care workers roles and create a solid foundation on which to start a fulfilling and rewarding career in Adult Care.

Developing sufficient knowledge of roles and responsibilities, legislative frameworks, codes of conduct, health safety and wellbeing, safeguarding principles, whistleblowing, service delivery and application of the 6Cs, Care, Compassion, Courage, Communication, Competence and Commitment.

To ensure all frontline services are provided by a capable, professional and qualified workforce that enhances and promotes the lives of those in receipt of adult care services.

Learners develop sufficient knowledge, skills and behaviours to prepare for a sustained and productive career in Adult Care that covers a variety of setting which can include, residential, nursing, domiciliary, day care, clinical settings working with individuals with various needs, abilities and conditions.

To achieve the Level 2 Diploma in Care learners must achieve 46 credits of which 24 are mandatory the remaining 22 credits to be chosen from allocated roles and responsibilities

OptionUnit titleCreditType*
MandatoryCommunication in care settings3Competence
MandatoryHandle information in care settings1Competence
MandatoryPersonal development in care settings3Competence
MandatoryImplement person-centred approaches in care settings5Competence
MandatoryEquality and inclusion in care settings2Competence
MandatoryHealth, safety and well-being in care settings4Competence
MandatoryResponsibilities of a care worker2Competence
MandatoryDuty of care1Knowledge
MandatorySafeguarding and protection in care settings3Knowledge
OptionalThe principles of infection prevention and control3Knowledge
OptionalCauses and spread of infection2Knowledge
OptionalCleaning, decontamination and waste management2Knowledge
OptionalUnderstand mental health problems3Knowledge
OptionalUnderstand mental well-being and mental health promotion3Knowledge
OptionalContribute to monitoring the health of individuals affected by health conditions2Competence
OptionalPrinciples of health promotion2Knowledge
OptionalProvide support for mobility2Competence
OptionalProvide agreed support for foot care3Competence
OptionalUndertake physiological measurements3Competence
OptionalUndertake personal hygiene activities with individuals3Competence
OptionalObtain and test capillary blood samples4Competence
OptionalCare for individuals with nasogastric tubes3Competence
OptionalAssist in the administration of medication4Competence
OptionalObtain and test specimens from individuals2Competence
OptionalMove and position individuals in accordance with their care plan4Competence
OptionalUndertake agreed pressure area care4Competence
OptionalUnderstand the administration of medication3Competence
OptionalUnderstand the process and experience of dementia3Knowledge
OptionalCare for the elderly2Competence
OptionalSupport independence in the tasks of daily living5Competence
OptionalAwareness of the Mental Capacity Act 20053Knowledge
OptionalWork in partnership with families to support individuals3Competence
OptionalSupport individuals to live at home4Competence
OptionalDementia awareness2Knowledge
OptionalSupport individuals at the end of life6Competence
OptionalSupport individuals who are bereaved4Competence
OptionalSupport individuals to access and use information about services and facilities3Competence
OptionalSupport individuals to carry out their own healthcare procedures2Competence
OptionalSupport individuals to manage continence3Competence
OptionalSupport individuals who are distressed3Competence
OptionalSupport individuals to meet personal care needs2Competence
OptionalSupport individuals to eat and drink2Competence
OptionalProvide support to manage pain and discomfort2Competence
OptionalProvide support for sleep2Competence
OptionalSupport individuals with specific communication needs5Competence
OptionalSupport individuals undergoing healthcare activities3Competence
OptionalPromotion of general health and well- being2Knowledge
OptionalUnderstand personalisation in adult care3Knowledge
OptionalUnderstand the principles of positive behaviour support4Knowledge
OptionalProvide support for therapy sessions2Competence
OptionalUnderstand how to support individuals with foot care3Knowledge
OptionalSupport person-centred thinking, planning and review4Competence
OptionalFacilitate person-centred assessment, planning, implementation and review6Competence
OptionalContribute to the support of positive risk-taking for individuals3Competence

Competence – comprises of knowledge, skills and behaviours developed within the workplace and observed to ensure consistent application of knowledge, skills and behaviours in practice. Knowledge – assessed on apprentice’s ability to demonstrate apprehension and understanding All assignment submissions from Adult Care Workers will be graded on a Pass, Merit, Distinction or Referral

9 – 12 months.

Learners must be employed within a role, working towards, being developed or on a placement that allows for opportunities to develop knowledge, skills and behaviours in areas that include:

  • Supporting individuals in accordance to the specified care/support plan
  • Supporting individuals to enable choice and control regarding service delivery and services
  • Supporting individuals to actively participate and understand services delivery and support services
  • Ensuring individuals know and understand how to provide informed consent to services
  • Contributing to the development of care/support plans for individuals they support
  • Supporting individuals with cognitive, physical and or sensory impairment
  • Applying dignity, respect and person-centred support encompassing empathy and compassion
  • Challenging inappropriate practices in provision, deliver and services to develop courage and capability
  • Developing clear communication strategies and skills with individuals, colleagues, families and external agencies to ensure effective and appropriate communication strategies
  • Understanding and responding to safeguarding concerns and unsafe practices
  • Championing the health of individuals and colleagues, promoting healthy eating, safe practices in moving and handling, spread of infection, fire safety and working with people with Dementia, Learning Disabilities and Mental Health whilst supporting health and wellbeing of those being supported
  • Developing and embracing personal and professional career development
  • Understanding how and when to obtain further sources of advice and guidance to ensure, safe and effective services

Delivery will be based on a mix of blended learning for the practical elements which includes:

  • Tutor taught delivery
  • One to one tutorial
  • Virtual learning
  • eLearning
  • Distance Learning
  • Directed and self-directed study
  • Mentoring
  • Peer Support
  • Workplace experience
  • Formal Reviews
  • Supervisions
  • Reflective Practice
  • Team Meetings
  • Shadowing


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